The Solutions Focus. Making Coaching & Change Simple

Here at Rook Tree Coaching, we believe that the benefits of coaching are clear. The right coach with the right skill can make coaching seem simple. This updated edition by Jackson and McKergow reflects the increasing importance of coaching and the solutions focus movement in the business environment.  this wide-ranging book has important ideas, case examples and practical tips for managers, facilitators and consultants. It focuses on solutions – not problems, suggesting that in between actions are interactions, possibilities – past, present and future and language.
The trouble with some traditional approaches  is that they can assume a straightforward relationship between cause and effect, between a problem and its solution. A solutions-focused approach sidesteps the search for the causes of a problem and heads straight for the solution, helping you to envisage your preferred future and identify steps you can take towards it. The authors of this book present a set of practical techniques, including specific forms of questioning that lead to immediate action and results. They show how to identify what is working in your organisation and amplify it to make useful changes;Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 10.11.47 to focus on what is possible rather than what is intractable and how to be solution focused, not solution forced.

The Solutions Focus. Making Coaching & Change Simple.

P Z Jackson & M McKergow

Publication Date: 14 Dec 2006