The Big Debate

Here at Rook Tree we’ve got a BIG debate going on in the office. It’s a re-run of a common dilemma…
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turn left or turn right?

nature or nurture?

Poly or Uni? (for those of you old enough to remember Polytechnics)

ILM or Masters?

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In 2014 the debate for us is ILM (Institute of Leadership & Management) or Masters? Which direction should we take? Does APL (accreditation for prior learning) exist for our existing coaching qualifications and experience?
Don’t misunderstand us. We have a small bundle of Masters degrees (3 between us at the last count), but we’re trying to read the road ahead in terms of the increasingly professional world of coaching.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on direction – here (website feedback), there (twitter) or elsewhere (LinkedIn).