What sort of personal discipline do you have?

  Such as… before you go to sleep at night, do you think of 5 good things that happened in your day? if you can’t say anything nice to say, do you say nothing? do you begin with the end in mind (with obvious thanks to Covey)? Here at Rook Tree we’re trying out The […]

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Are you the master of your mind?

In actual fact, not all of us are. Ruby Wax is known as a comedian, writer and mental health campaigner. She uses her recent Masters in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy to show how our minds can jeopardize our sanity.  In Sane New World she explains how our busy, chattering, self-critical thoughts can drive us to anxiety […]

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Coaching, Supervision, Mentoring

Having achieved our latest goal of qualifying to provide coach supervision and mentor coaching, we at Rook Tree find that we like Hawkins and Smith, in particular “Having  supervision  is  a  fundamental  aspect  of  continuing  personal  development  for coaches,  mentors,  organisational  consultants  and  supervisors,  providing  a  protected  and  disciplined  space  in  which  we  can  reflect […]

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Solution-focused Coaching

Here at Rook Tree we follow the lead set by our Executive Coach, Lesley Cave. Lesley’s coaching philosophy centres on her belief in human ability to achieve. We don’t mistake this gentle sounding philosophy for one that lacks a formidable bite and tenacity because we know that when it comes to delivering results Lesley pushes […]

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Back from skiing…

a bit sore, but ready for the next challenge National Certificate in Workplace Mediation … watch this space            

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Coach Supervision and Mentor Coaching has arrived!

Rook Tree is proud to announce that Lesley Cave has gained the Certificate in Coach Supervision and Mentor Coaching.  This nationally recognised qualification extends Lesley’s coaching credentials and proves that Lesley really does practice what she preaches! “I am very comfortable that there is a clear distinction between coaching, mentor coaching and supervision, despite the […]

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Do you dare greatly?

Here at Rook Tree a little reflection goes a long way. Throughout our recent coaching supervision studies we have become even more involved with Dr Brené Brown’s concept of “Daring Greatly”. In it Dr Brown writes that “’being’ rather than ‘knowing’ requires showing up and letting ourselves be seen. It requires us to dare greatly, […]

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Leadership Team Coaching

Here at Rook Tree our coaching practice is focused on executives, senior leaders and teams; so it’s understandable that we’re really looking forward to getting our hands on a copy of Peter Hawkins’ latest updated “Leadership Team Coaching: Developing Collective Transformational Leadership” (publication date: 3 March 2014) to learn more from such a respected expert. […]

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Rook Tree New Year Message

In such a busy world we are constantly challenged to keep moving forwards.  Achieve more goals.  Be more successful.  Manage more effectively.  External forces seem to drive us to be happier, healthier and wiser.  Here at Rook Tree we are no different.  We experience the same pressures from the media, employers, employees, family and friends; […]

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The Power of Habit

Rook Tree Coaching likes The Power of Habit. Award-winning New York Times business reporter Charles Duhigg explains why habits exist and how they can be changed. Duhigg brings to life a whole new understanding of human nature and its potential for transformation. He explains how  some people and companies struggle to change, despite years of […]

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Coaching for NHS Leaders Masterclass

Rook Tree Coaching and Events4Healthcare are delighted to present their Coaching for NHS Leaders Masterclass.  Lesley Cave, Rook Tree Executive Coach will deliver the masterclass with our associate, Fiona Elder. This coaching master class is made up of 3 days. In between your 2 classroom based days you will have a personal one to one […]

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The value of internal coaching

Coaching is no longer considered a sign of under-performance; a fact supported by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, who define coaching as “the use of one-to-one discussions to enhance an individual’s skills, knowledge and work performance… Coaching and in-house development remain the most effective talent management activities.”[1] Also, the Chartered Management Institute research […]

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Everyone's Talking about Coaching

especially England Hockey! England Hockey has won the bid to host the Women’s World Cup 2018 and Rook Tree’s resident hockey veteran will be there, stick in hand, in case she’s called up for duty. Of course, she may just be called up for coaching duty too. UK Sport announce that “the International Hockey Federation […]

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